If you or a loved one own any number of firearms especially handguns its imperative to have a plan of action should you or your loved one pass away, or become longer able to posses a firearm. Your or your loved ones firearms maybe be antiques, family heirlooms, or just something for the k-mart clearance rack but its important to document your firearms, Even a K-mart clearance gun to you can be a special item to a family member and a point of contention should its fate be argued among your survivors. Who you would want to receive your Firearms should something happen to you or what is their value if they are to be sold? Who is permitted to take position? What steps have to be taken? Don't leave your firearms fate up to chance; we can help! We are a Licensed dealer and assist with storage, transfers, licensing, consignment sales.
Complete the form below and we will email you send you an estate planning worksheet to help you outline your firearm intentions what steps your should take now and what steps will need to be taken in your absence and form you can use for each of your firearms.
Complete the form below and we will email you send you an estate planning worksheet to help you outline your firearm intentions what steps your should take now and what steps will need to be taken in your absence and form you can use for each of your firearms.